Maps & Info

Recommended Resources:


Assessment & Taxation Department - property details, values, tax information, etc.

Basic property search instructions:

  1. Click on "Account Detail".
  2. Click on "Public Account Detail Search" and "Continue"
  3. Enter the Account Number and click the "Search" button.
  4. Click "Summary Report" for the Assessor's Summary Report.
  5. Click "GIS" (in the left column) to go to the Planning Map Application (additional instructions below).

Hint: Don’t have the account number? You can also search by address under “Situs Address”.


Geographic Information System (GIS) Department - maps and geographical data

Basic property search instructions

  1. Select "Maps (GIS)".
  2. Select "Planning Map Application" or "Updated Surveyor Map Application".
  3. Enter the property address or account number into the  search box in the upper left hand corner (use the arrow to the left of the search box to select choice).
  4. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner to add or remove layers/information to/from the map. 
  5. Use the zoom feature (+/-) in the upper left-hand corner to see more or less of the surrounding area.