Domestic Partnership Requirements

Requirements for Registering a Declaration of Oregon Registered Domestic Partnerships

  1. The fee for the Declaration of Oregon Registered Domestic Partnerships is $50.00 with an additional $5.00 Notary Public fee per signature/person. Cash is required at the time the Domestic Partnership is registered. (No checks, credit or debit cards)
  2. Both partners must be at least 18 years old to register a Declaration of Oregon Registered Domestic Partnerships.
  3. Both partners must be present with valid picture ID at the time of registering their partnership. One individual has to be an Oregon resident. A valid driver’s license works great.
  4. No blood tests or physical exams are required.
  5. Our office provides without charge a certified copy of the Declaration of Oregon Registered Domestic Partnerships once filed with the County Clerk, additional certified copies can be purchased for $7.75 by the parties to the partnership.
  6. The Declaration of Oregon Registered Domestic Partnerships is a Public Record.
  7. Items 20-25 of the Domestic Partnership forms are for statistical purposes only. They do not appear on the certified record. These items are optional. Enter “REFUSED” for each item that you do not complete. 
  8. To answer item 24, enter the category that best describes the highest degree or level of school completed. Report only those years of school that were completed.
  9. To answer item 25, enter the current occupation of each individual at the time registering the Domestic Partnership with this office.
  10. Upon entering a domestic partnership, either individual may retain the individual’s prior surname, or either individual may change their last name to their partner’s last name.
  11. For additional information visit the State of Oregon website.
  12. Declaration of Oregon Registered Domestic Partnerships will be issued from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Our office hours are 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday; our office is open during the lunch hour.