Sale Data

Linn County collects data on the sale of real property as a step in preparing the annual assessment roll. We do not claim that it is suitable for any other use. We try to make the information as accurate as possible, however there may be errors. If you discover an error or have questions about these files please contact Mark Wilkinson, the Data Analyst, at (541) 967-3808 or email.


These csv files contain only data and, in the first row, column header names. CSV files may be opened in Excel or used in database applications.


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Information on the Linn County Web Site is not guaranteed to be accurate and may contain errors and omissions. Linn County provides no warranty as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose for any information. Original records may differ from computer entries. If reliance upon computer record is intended, verification of information on source documents is required. User expressly acknowledges and agrees that the use of any information appearing on the Linn County Web Site is at User's sole risk. Linn County shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages caused by mistakes, omissions, deletions, errors, or defects in any information, or any failure or delays in receiving information.